UAMS Visitor Talks Latino Health Paradox and Cinco de Mayo

A couple of common misconceptions about Hispanics were highlighted in talks by David E. Hayes-Bautista, Ph.D., who visited UAMS and the Clinton School of Public Service last week.
Hayes-Bautista, a distinguished professor of medicine from the University of California, Los Angeles, noted that Latinos are often incorrectly lumped with other minorities when health disparities are discussed.
Like other minorities, Hispanics have the commonly cited risk factors of lower income, low education and low access to health care. And yet, for many conditions, the health of Hispanics is just as good as whites and in some cases better. For example, Hispanics in the United States have a 30 percent lower rate of heart disease – the leading cause of death – than whites.
“Whoa, lower?” Hayes-Bautista asked during a presentation to UAMS faculty. “Shouldn’t it be higher?”
The same is true for cancer, the second leading cause of death. Hispanics nationally have a nearly 40 percent lower rate of cancer deaths than whites. In Arkansas, Hispanics have a 70 percent lower death rate from cancer.
Hayes-Bautista said Hispanics/Latinos bring healthy behaviors from their native countries. For example, the smoking rate among Hispanics is about half that of whites in Arkansas.
But those good behaviors are weakened in their U.S.-born children, who have higher rates of poor health behaviors.
For more than three decades he has studied the “Latino Epidemiological Paradox,” the tendency of Latino Americans to have health outcomes comparable to or better than their non-Hispanic white counterparts in the United States, and the implications of this paradox for populations, chronic diseases and communicable diseases.
Hayes-Bautista’s study of Hispanic culture and history led him to write the book El Cinco de Mayo: An American Tradition, a topic he presented at the Clinton School. The public event and reception was sponsored by the UAMS Translational Research Institute and the UAMS Center for Diversity Affairs, as well as the Clinton School.
Cinco de Mayo marks the Mexican military victory over the invading French army on May 5, 1862, but it’s more widely celebrated in the United States than in Mexico. The victory, he explained, prevented an alliance that would have benefited the Confederacy. Hispanics were against slavery and sided with the Union. The May 5 victory was the turning point in France’s attempt to create a monarchy over Mexico that would ally with the Confederacy. For U.S. Latinos from Mexico, the victory became a rallying cry for the Union.
In 1996, Cinco de Mayo got a U.S. postage stamp, and in 2005 it became an annual celebration in the White House and is now recognized widely across the country.
“If you ask these millions of people why are we celebrating, nobody knows. It’s just a party for some,” Hayes-Bautista said.

His UAMS talks are available at (hosted by Peds Place) and (hosted by College of Pharmacy).
His talk at the Clinton School will be available soon at:
Hayes-Bautista is also director of the Center for the Study of Latino Health and Culture at the UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine. For the past five years, he has been chosen one of the 101 Top Leaders of the Latino Community in the U.S. by Latino Leaders Magazine. In 2012, he received the Association of American Medical Colleges Herbert W. Nickens Award for his lifelong concerns about the educational, societal and health care needs of underrepresented groups.
Hayes-Bautista has written or edited nine books on Latino health and culture and is a frequent contributor of opinion pieces to major newspapers. He has published articles in journals ranging from Academic Medicine to Salud Pública de México. He has authored dozens of proposals for funded research projects, and has given hundreds of presentations to medical and lay communities and to government agencies concerned with the nation’s health care system. Some of his center’s research on the emergence of the Latino population and society in California during the Spanish colonial, Mexican Republic, and U.S. statehood periods appears in his recent book, El Cinco de Mayo: An American Tradition (U.C. Press, 2012).
Other co-sponsors of his two-day visit were the UAMS College of Pharmacy, Arkansas Center for Health Disparities in the UAMS Fay W. Boozman College of Public Health, League of United Latin American Citizens, and the Joel E. Anderson Institute on Race and Ethnicity at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock.
Short Course on Analysis of Incomplete Data, April 28

The Central Arkansas Chapter of the American Statistical Association (CASA) is sponsoring a one-day short course about the Analysis of Incomplete Data on Friday, April 28, 2017, from 9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. in the College of Public Health building, room 8240.
Biased results and inefficient estimates are just some of the risks of incorrectly dealing with incomplete data, a common problem in applied research. This course will emphasize practical implementation of proposed strategies for dealing with missing data, including discussion of software to implement recommended procedures.
The instructor is Ofer Harel, Ph.D., professor of statistics at the University of Connecticut. Harel received his doctorate in statistics in 2003 from the Pennsylvania State University and post-doctoral training in biostatistics at the University of Washington. He has served as a biostatistical consultant nationally and internationally since 1997 and has been involved with a variety of research fields including Alzheimer’s, diabetes, nutrition, HIV/AIDS, and alcohol and drug abuse prevention.
The cost to attend the short course is $90 for CASA members, $100 for non-members, and $35 for full time students. Lunch is included in the registration fee. See printable registration form.
The registration fee may be paid by check with a check payable to Central Arkansas Statistical Association, credit card (send an email to James Selig with the completed registration form and you will receive an invoice through PayPal that can be paid with a credit card), or by IDT (email the completed registration form to with a note that you will be paying by IDT to Account #: 117-1003693, GL Code: 631400 and include the account to be charged).
‘Budgeting for Grant Applications’ March 24
Renee Raines, CCRP, CRA, director of the Office of Sponsored Programs Administrative Network (OSPAN), will present “Budgeting for Grant Applications” on March 24, 8:30 – 10 a.m., at the Psychiatric Research Institute, room 136.
Her presentation, part of the TRI Research and Career Development Seminar Series, will include information on OSPAN’s services provided to researchers.
Please register via TrainingTracker. The presentation is also available via BlackBoard Collaborate.
Visiting Latino Leader, Scholar to Give Three Lectures March 16, 17
UCLA Distinguished Professor of Medicine David E. Hayes-Bautista, Ph.D., who has spent decades studying and writing about the links between culture, behavior and health, will give three presentations in Little Rock on March 16 and 17.
The UAMS Translational Research Institute is sponsoring a reception following his March 16 presentation, “Latino Leadership and the Cinco de Mayo in the American West,” from 6-7 p.m., at the Clinton School of Public Service, Sturgis Hall, 1200 President Clinton Ave.
Hayes-Bautista is director of the Center for the Study of Latino Health and Culture at the UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine. For the past five years, he has been chosen one of the 101 Top Leaders of the Latino Community in the U.S. by Latino Leaders Magazine. In 2012, he received the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Herbert W. Nickens Award for his lifelong concerns about the educational, societal, and health care needs of underrepresented groups.
For more than three decades he has studied the “Latino Epidemiological Paradox,” the tendency of Latino Americans to have health outcomes comparable to or better than their non-Hispanic white counterparts in the U.S., and the implications of this paradox for populations, chronic diseases and communicable diseases.
To join the March 16 lecture at ACH via live streaming on your PC, MAC, iPad or iPhone:
- Visit
- Click on the Peds PLACE icon
- Click on the topic and date listed above (or search)
- If watching LIVE, remember that you can send in questions for the speaker
April 12 Webinar: Learn How to Conduct Multisite Clinical Trials with a Single IRB
The first SMART IRB webinar on April 12, 3:30 – 4:30 p.m., will provide an overview of the SMART IRB Online Reliance System, which will be available to researchers later this spring. UAMS is among the Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) Consortium SMART IRB participating institutions.
The Online Reliance System is a unique tool that helps institutions establish and document single IRB review arrangements. By using this system:
- Investigators can create and submit requests to use a single IRB for their studies.
- Collaborating institutions can work together to identify a Reviewing IRB and track and document reliance arrangements on a study-by-study basis.
- Users have a clear understanding of next steps and are notified when action is required.
The webinar will be led by Nichelle Cobb, Ph.D., chief regulatory operations officer for Implementation for SMART IRB, and director of the Health Sciences IRBs Office at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
<a href=””Register for Webinar
TRI Changes Process for Study Budget Development & Negotiations
The Translational Research Institute (TRI) Clinical Trials Innovation Unit (CTIU) recently revised the process for investigators submitting studies that require a Medicare coverage analysis and budget in CLARA.
In addition to conducting full Medicare Coverage Analysis, CTIU’s Research Finance Team (RFT) offers full budget development and/or negotiation services for all non-cancer-related protocols requiring a budget. To access all services, the investigator or designee submits a request through the TRI services portal. RFT members will work with investigators and their team to complete the budget, coverage and legal process in an efficient manner.
To increase efficiency and provide feasibility data to investigators, the RFT has altered the order of its coverage and budget activities, performing the Medicare Coverage Analysis prior to budget development and review. If investigators and their team wish to develop and/or negotiate the budget themselves, the RFT highly encourages them to submit the required study documents to the RFT prior to starting budget development. The RFT will provide a Medicare Coverage Analysis Report (MCAR) that is sent to the investigator for approval and can be used as a guide for budget development.
It is not mandatory to obtain a MCAR prior to budget development. However, if the budget is developed prior to the MCAR it will likely delay the budget approval process for the study. If investigators or study teams have questions about this process, contact Jonathan Young,, 526-7984.
UAB Entrepreneur to Speak at HSE Seminar, March 1

The next Health Sciences Entrepreneurship Seminar will feature Erik Schwiebert, Ph.D., from the University of Alabama, Birmingham (UAB), speaking March 1, from 5 – 6 p.m. at the Reynolds Institute on Aging, Jo Ellen Ford Auditorium.
Schwiebert will present “New Paradigms for Scientist to CEO Transition and New Biotechnology Startup Creation.”
DiscoveryBioMed, Inc. is a Birmingham-based life sciences and biotechnology company, with the goal of integrating human cell physiology with the drug discovery critical path. Schwiebert, a physiologist, launched the company in October 2007. Since then DiscoveryBioMed has continued to grow and gain recognition both locally and nationally.
The UAMS Seminar Series is being offered in collaboration with UAB, University of Kansas Medical Center and the University of Utah – all Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) institutions. The series is sponsored by the NIGMS Systems Pharmacology and Toxicology T32 Training Program, UAMS Translational Research Institute (TRI) and UAMS BioVentures.
If you missed last month’s seminar featuring UAMS’ Amy Hester, Ph.D., watch it here.
Researchers Urged to Complete GCP Training

The NIH Policy on Good Clinical Practice (GCP) Training became effective January 1, 2017. This policy applies to NIH-funded investigators and site staff who are responsible for the conduct, management and oversight of NIH-funded clinical trials. An NIH Clinical Trial is defined as Research studies in which one or more human subjects are prospectively assigned to one or more interventions to evaluate the effects of those interventions on health-related biomedical or behavioral outcomes. An intervention is defined as a manipulation of the subject or subject’s environment for the purpose of modifying one or more health-related biomedical or behavioral processes and/or endpoints.
If you are conducting an NIH-funded clinical trial, you will need to complete your training as soon as possible. There are several ways to do this:
- Complete GCP training using the CITI program at Log in using the user ID and password that you used for your human subjects protection training, scroll down past the list of courses you have completed and select Add a Course. Select Good Clinical Practice (GCP) Basic Course.
- Complete NIH-developed GCP training. Send completion certificate to Catrice Banks-Johnson in the Office of Research Compliance (
- For social and behavioral researchers, you can log onto Blackboard and complete the NCATS-developed GCP training. View documents for the GoSignMeUp registration process and basic navigation functions for the Blackboard Course. A Certification of Completion will be generated upon the conclusion of the final module. Send completion certificate to Catrice Banks-Johnson in the Office of Research Compliance (
- Send record/certificate of current GCP training (i.e., from industry-sponsored trial participation, from ACRP or SoCRA certification, or from completion of UAMS Graduate School courses PHSC6043 or PGSP6101) to Catrice Banks-Johnson (
For options 2-4 above, Catrice will record this training in Training Tracker for you upon receipt of your completion certificate.
NOTE: GCP training expires after three years.
If you have ambitions of conducting an NIH-funded clinical trial, you are highly encouraged to complete the training now!
Even if you have determined this does not apply to you, you are highly encouraged to complete the training now! GCP training is likely to be mandated within the next 6-12 months, as many institutions, journals, and other funding sources are trending toward this requirement.
The UAMS Office of Research Compliance will conduct random audits to ensure compliance with this policy.
If you have any questions, please contact one of the following institutional offices:
Amy Jo Jenkins
Jennifer Holland
Darri Scalzo
Office of Research Compliance
Larry Cornett, Ph.D.
Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research
TRI Research and Career Development Seminar Slides Available
Slides are now available from Susan Steelman, MLIS, UAMS head of education and reference services, who was the Feb. 22 speaker for the TRI Research and Career Development Seminar Series.
Download: Library 301: Publishing Pitfalls & Resources for Researchers/Authors