TRI is pleased to announce its new Clinical and Translational Science Pilot Program (CTSP2) with two grant opportunities for 2024:
- Collaborative Clinical and Translational Science Pilot Program. This funding will support team approaches in translational science among mid-level and senior faculty in durable collaborations and generate data to advance to extramural funding. Budgets up to $50,000 for a one-year period will be considered.
- Early Career Clinical and Translational Science Pilot Program. This funding will support projects by early-career faculty that generate critical data to improve competitiveness for future extramural funding. Budgets up to $25,000 for a one-year period will be considered.
The CTSP2 seeks proposals for projects that include one or more principles of translational science as defined here by the National Center for the Advancement of Translational Sciences (NCATS).
The Letter of Application deadline has been extended to Monday, May 13. All projects funded under these pilot programs must be completed by June 30, 2025.
Please attend a Q&A session to learn more about these funding opportunities on Tuesday, April 23 at 2 p.m., or Tuesday, May 7 at 11 a.m. Register here.
Learn more at the TRI website.
View the Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) for mid-level and senior faculty.
View the FOA for early career investigators.
Contact: Hailey Rogers, HRogers@uams.edu.