TRI and the UAMS Center for Implementation Research (CIR) have selected five UAMS-based and Arkansas Children’s Hospital clinical faculty as UAMS 2021 Implementation Science Scholars. Using the principles of implementation science, CIR faculty will guide the scholars through 10 didactic sessions per year and provide oversight and mentoring for their experiential implementation science projects. The two-year program will provide 20% salary support (up to salary cap).
The scholars and their project titles are:

Laura Jean Hobart-Porter, D.O., Assistant Professor, Developmental Pediatrics and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Division (ACH), and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (UAMS); Medical Director, Spinal Cord Disorders Program, Concussion Clinic, and Children’s Rehabilitation Center (Easter Seals of Arkansas), Department of Pediatrics, ACH/UAMS College of Medicine“Prevention of Sleep-Associated Mortality through Implementation of ‘Guidelines for the Care of People with Spina Bifida’”

Kyle J. Kalkwarf, M.D. Assistant Professor, Acute Care Surgery Division Department of General Surgery and Critical Care; UAMS College of Medicine
“Implementation of Combined Strategies to Reduce Opioid Consumption for Acute Pain in the Surgical ICU at UAMS”

Riley Lipschitz, M.D., Assistant Professor, Division of General Internal Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine
“TelePrEP – Utilizing Technology to Prevent HIV and Improve Health Equity among Vulnerable Arkansans”

Elizabeth Riley, D.N.P., RNC-NIC, CNE, Clinical Assistant Professor, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, UAMS College of Nursing
“Implementation of Standardized Bedside Interprofessional Rounds in Neonatal Intensive Care”

Aravindhan Veerapandiyan, M.D., Assistant Professor, Director, Comprehensive Neuromuscular Program; Medical Director, Headache Clinic, Division of Pediatric Neurology, Department of Pediatrics, ACH/UAMS College of Medicine
“Implementation of Evidence-Based Practice to Improve Care for Children with Headaches”