In this November-December issue of The TRIbune, we highlight the TRI Community Partner Celebration, which honors community partners who play key roles in helping UAMS advance research and improve health, especially for rural and underserved communities.
The celebration on Dec. 6 was a great success, with more than 80 attendees from across Arkansas.
The TRIbune also features Jure Baloh, Ph.D., who received National Institutes of Health funding to support his work related to addiction treatment. He is a 2022 graduate of the TRI KL2 (now K12) Mentored Research Career Development Program and an assistant professor in the Fay W. Boozman College of Public Health.
We also highlight the three new Implementation Science Scholars: Paige Beck, M.D., Ph.D., Tisha Deen, Ph.D., and Saritha Ranabothu, M.D.
In addition, we note the recent meetings of our UM1 and K12 External Advisory Boards. In its report following the November meeting, the UM1 EAB described TRI as a “gem activity” at UAMS.
Read The TRIbune.