In this issue of The TRIbune, we highlight the work of TRI’s evaluation team, led by Jessica Presley, MPP. In addition to the team’s vital work evaluating TRI’s programs, it has also helped lead a major project in collaboration with the seven other Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) institutions from rural states – the Consortium of Rural States (CORES). Their work, utilizing the Translational Science Benefits Model, earned an invitation to speak at the annual American Evaluation Association in October.
Our Study of the Month features Geoffrey Muller, M.D., the UAMS principal investigator on a multisite anesthesia study, with TRI’s Gwendolyn Cobbs, B.S.N., RN, as the lead study coordinator.
We also highlight two big events: The Sept. 10 Advancing Arkansas Lifespan Research Conference, and the Sept. 12 Research Expo 2024 and New Research Faculty Orientation.
Read The TRIbune.