The Translational Research Institute (TRI) is inviting all UAMS-affiliated researchers to apply for pilot grants to address health challenges of rural and underrepresented populations.
This Request for Applications (RFA) seeks project proposals that will employ novel approaches in or address any of the following focus areas: 1) Health concerns and challenges of rural and underrepresented populations, 2) Implementation science to incorporate new research findings into the health care system, including rural practices, 3) Biomedical informatics approaches that examine unique state data resources or 4) Community and/or stakeholder-partnered research currently attending TRI’s Community Based Participatory Research (CBPR) Scholars Program.
Budgets up to $25,000 for a one-year project will be considered.
Full-time UAMS faculty, including at Arkansas Children’s and the Central Arkansas Veterans Healthcare System, are invited to apply.
Letters of Intent are due Friday, Feb.16, 2024, by 5 p.m. (CT)
Invited full applications will be due by Wednesday, April 10, 2024.
Read the Request for Applications.
Questions? Contact Crystal Sparks, csparks@uams.edu.