Administration: Assesses needs and efficiently allocated resources.
Biomedical Informatics: Provides informatics resources through the invention and application of advanced data science techniques.
Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Research Design (BERD): Assists researchers with study design, ensuring the use of statistically sound practices and promoting properly designed, scientifically valid research.
Community Engagement: Provides education, training, and support for community engaged research and fosters partnerships between UAMS and communities across Arkansas.
Implementation Science: Provides education and training in implementation science. Promotes implementation techniques meet the healthcare needs of rural and underserved populations in Arkansas.
Integrating Special Populations: Expands opportunities for research participation to diverse racial, ethnic and socioeconomic groups using an innovative combination of TRI resources.
Multisite Research: Promotes partnerships with other CTSA institutions to establish clinical trials at multiple sites across the U.S., creating a “national laboratory” to study, understand and innovate the process of conducting clinical trials.
Participant and Clinical Interactions: Promotes high quality research standards, proactively monitors progress, and rapidly disseminates new research findings to our communities and the nation via the CTSA network.
Participant Recruitment: Helps researchers overcome participant recruitment challenges by facilitating identification and recruitment of research participants.
Pilot Studies Program: Provides seed funds for feasibility testing and generation of preliminary data to support future research efforts that will make a measurable positive impact on health issues facing Arkansas and Arkansans.
Regulatory Knowledge and Support: Helps researchers understand and comply with institutional policies and federal regulations designed to protect research participants.
Team Science: Promotes Team Science through two Team-Science-focused funding opportunities.
Workforce Development: Establishes and Expands interdisciplinary and career-spanning training opportunities in translational research.