What is your role at TRI?

Community Engagement Program Manager
What do you like best about your job?
Before you began working at TRI, what was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had?
NGO Program Coordinator in Cairo, Egypt
What has been your favorite TRI project?
Little Rock School District PhotoVoice Projects
Best vacation you’ve been to?
Not the best vacation, but best vacation moment was watching my 14-year-old brother’s reaction to seeing the ocean for the first time.
Favorite food?
Falafel and Hummus
What do you like to do in your spare time?
Reading LOTS OF BOOKs! Jogging, Painting, Drawing & Writing – plus spending tons of time with my best friend and my godkids!
What music is on your smart phone?
Pearl Jam, Dixie Chicks, Rise Against are usually on repeat with plenty of folk, rap, indie, and 90s music