Annual TRI Event Honors Community Partners Sponsored by the Translational Research Institute (TRI), the annual UAMS Community Partner Celebration honors community partners for their work with UAMS investigators. To improve the health of all Arkansans, researchers must successfully engage with diverse, rural and medically underserved communities. The long-term researcher-community partnerships such as those recognized at the Community Partner Celebration, are key to achieving this important goal. The Community Partner Celebration is the brainchild of the TRI Community Advisory Board, whose members also serve on the planning committee each year.
Who is honored?
We seek to recognize grass-roots community based organizations (CBOs) and community advisory boards (CABs) at this annual celebration. Nonprofit CBOs that work with groups of people affiliated by geographic proximity, special interest, or similar situations to address the well-being of those communities are solicited in the call for submissions. CABs consist of community representatives who advise institutional representatives on issues that affect the public.